
Tour Course Introduction

Course C: Kobayashi City Nature Experience

A course that circles around the Yin-Yang Stone, a Miyazaki Prefecture tourist heritage site.
Please also enjoy one of the largest suspension bridges in Japan.

Minimum number of applicants: 2

departure time

1Departure 8:30 Return 11:30 (tentative)
2Departure 13:30 Return 16:30 (tentative)

Course Content

8:30 (13:30)Near Kobayashi Station
yin and yang stone
Daiwa Farm
11:30 (16:30)Near Kobayashi Station

Tour Fees

one person7,500Yen (incl. tax)
  • 2 personsPlease apply for a minimum of 2 persons.
  • Tourist farm expenses are not included.
  • Tourist farms vary depending on the time of year and course.
  • For information on sightseeing farms, please contact the Kobayashi City Tourist Association. (TEL: 0984-22-8684)
  • Same rate for adults and children
  • For cancellation fees, please click here.

Please note that you may have to share a ride with other passengers.

A separate vehicle charter surcharge will apply.

Highlights of this course

  • yin and yang stone

    Inyo-ishi is a married couple rocks located in Hamanose River in the eastern part of Kobayashi City, Miyazaki Prefecture. It has long been worshipped as a god of marriage, childbirth, and safe delivery.
    It is said that the volcanic activity that occurred 1.8 million years ago deposited a large amount of volcanic ash and lava, which was eroded by the river to form these strange rocks.
  • Daiwa Farm

    Daiwa Farm uses all of its own products, from raw materials to production and sales.
    We provide safe and reliable genuine dairy products from healthy cows, using only the finest ingredients.
    There are many delicious dairy products such as cheese and ice cream.
  • hunter-gatherer

    This inn offers an old thatched-roof house nestled in the nature of Sugi (Kobayashi City, Miyazaki Prefecture), and country cooking that focuses on local ingredients.
    The food is exquisite, prepared with care and using a wide variety of ingredients from Suki. Souvenirs are also available.
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