
Tour Course Introduction

Eel Irifune, Miyakoma Shrine

Enjoy the Nishi-To course with a visit to the famous restaurant "Eel Irifune," which attracts a long line of visitors, and a tour of Japanese heritage sites!
First, visit the "Gochi Kannon Statue" and pray for marriage at the "Toman Shrine," which is deeply associated with women.
For lunch, we replenished our stamina with a delicious eel dish at the famous restaurant "Eel Irifune," where there is always a long line!
After lunch, the "Kiki Path" will take you via the legendary site where Niniginomikoto and Konohanasakuyahime are said to have spent their honeymoon.
Visitors can enjoy shopping and a café at Konohana-Kan.

Minimum number of applicants: 3

departure time

1Departure 9:00 Return 16:00 (tentative)

Course Content

9:00Around Miyazaki Station or Nishitoshi City Hall
10:00(1) Statue of the Five Wisdom Kannon
10:30(2) Toman Shrine
11:30(3)Lunch: Eel Irifune
12:40(4) Japanese Heritage: The Road to Chiki
16:00Around Miyazaki Station or Nishitoshi City Hall

Tour Fees

one person13,000Yen (incl. tax)
  • Lunch is included in the fee.
  • Please note that the ride may not be available depending on the reservation status. Please understand.
  • Departures and arrivals are from Miyazaki Station area and Saito City Hall. (An additional fee of 1,000 yen per person is required to be paid to the driver on the day of the tour.)
  • For cancellation fees, please click here.
  • The times shown in the itinerary are subject to change due to traffic conditions and other factors. Please consider it as a rough guide only.
  • For other detailed conditions, please refer to our Tabikonin.Standard Travel Agency Contract Conditions (for organized tour contracts)Depends on the

Please note that you may have to share a ride with other passengers.

A separate vehicle charter surcharge will apply.

Highlights of this course

  • (1) Statue of the Five Wisdom Kannon

    The five statues of the Five Wisdom Kannon consist of the seated Hosho Nyorai, the seated Yakushi Nyorai, the seated Dainichi Nyorai, the seated Amida Nyorai, and the seated Shakyamuni Nyorai.
    In 1791, the Hyuga Kokubunji Temple was destroyed by fire, and during the reconstruction of the temple, the "Five Wisdom Buddhas" were completed. Visitors can experience the deep history of the temple.
  • (2) Toman Shrine

    It is said that Ninigi no Mikoto, grandson of Amaterasu no Mikami, and his wife, Konohana-sakuyahime no Mikoto, spent their honeymoon in Saito City, Miyazaki Prefecture, and the shrine in Saito City is deeply associated with women. The shrine is believed to be associated not only with marriage, but also with "easy childbirth" and "child-rearing" and other benefits that are deeply connected to women.
  • (3)Lunch: Eel Irifune

    Established in 1894, the company collects carefully selected domestic eels for incoming shipments, mainly from the Kyushu area.

    In this tour, you will enjoy an eel set meal.
    The eel dishes are sure to be delicious with the hospitality that has been passed down from the first generation!
  • (4) Japanese Heritage: The Road to Chiki

    The love story of Niniginomikoto and Konohanasakuyahime is depicted and passed down as "The Path of Chronicles.

    Sequential route
    (1) Toho Shrine
    (2) The mound of boats
    (c) river running between Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands
    pavilion housing the eight gods who preside over the four main sanctuaries (in Heian Palace)
    (5) No door
    (6) Koju no Ike
    (7) Ishinuki Shrine
    (viii) Daisangion Mound
    nine nines and nine holes in the body of a koto
    (10) Male and female saho mounds

    *Please walk part of the way and wear comfortable walking shoes.
  • (5)Konohana-kan

    The exterior is in the shape of a vertically split anterior posterior circular mound.
    The facility is decorated with monuments representing the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac made by Yoshiaki Onizuka, a sculptor from West City, and gives visitors a sense of history from the outside.
    The facility also offers a variety of fresh, safe, and locally grown fruits and vegetables for sale.
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